Topic: Auditions!

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Audition call for the Muse.

The Swill is auditioning for a male actor for the December series.

The Muse
A One Act Play by QUINCY LONG
Directed by Phil Darkins For The Six O'clock Swill At Mighty Mighty
Performance Dates: December 12 & 13 2007

Character Breakdown

The Playwright

Male, American, 29-44. Could be younger, could be older but his psyche sits most comfortably within those years. Actual ethnic origin is not an issue but his culture is middle class Caucasian. He is a passionate man who possesses a wealth of talent but has just enough doubt to save himself from conceit. The actor playing him can do the accents of a well educated Californian AND that of a character from rural Tennessee with ease.
If'n y'cain't du theyit carn-vinsin-lee, y'kid b'wastin ev-boddiz tarm awdishnin goddit? S'done do theyit, y'understan? Thaynken ewe karndl'.
The play is predominantly dialogue between the playwright and his muse. The playwright has several monologues, one of which - in the rural accent - is long.

Auditions will be held from 4pm Sunday 18 November at Mighty Mighty. Please email to book an audition slot.

You will be sent two monologues, we ask that you familiarise yourself well with them and come prepared with the energy and intensity to hold an audience's attention, as if performing solo, for ½ an hour.

Thanks for your interest!

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Start Date:2007-11-18
Start Time:16:00
Street Address:the Mighty Mighty, 104 Cuba Street
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