2007 2008 2009 48 Hours Actor actorspractice.org Actress Alex Greig Alvar Hanso Amy and Jaazaniah Salanoa Andre Surridge Angela Anton Van Helden Ants Heath Arther Meek Arthur Meek auditions August 2008 Australia Autobahn Barry Lakeman Ben Edmonds Ben Fransham Bench Seat bigD(only his mom and sister really call him that) Bill Bill Wrubel Breaking and Entering call for directors Charlotte Simmonds Chastity Coffee Supreme Cow Creative Communities Dad Daniel Price David Allan David Allen David Ives Day Dean Dean Hewison December Derek Flores Director dishes Emma Barnett Equity Feb February festivals Fred Stroppel Fringe Fringe Festival Gene Alexander Gerry Ginny Spackman Girl Grace Headshot Higgins If I Said You Had a Heavenly Body Intervention Invitation to a Funeral Jaazaniah Salanoa Jackie Shaw James Boon Jane Martin Jane McKenna Jasmine M'Nijel Jeff Pinfold Jeff Whitty Jennifer Thompson Jerome Chandrahasen