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Wonder if the tool used to make the logo is still here. The tools from before are oftenly being replaced with new one.     tags: Logo, editing, NZ
How are these photos only 100kb in size? Does the upload date has something to do with it. I mean it is quality one.       tags:
This dude is a good one. His roles always suits him well. He looks intimidating but in his plays he is versatile. our url:
Stand-up, at least in the form it is known today, is a fairly recent entertainment phenomenon. In the United States, where it developed first and reached its greatest popularity, it
Lovely. Where are these people now? They say we capture moments to remember it and be happy but honestly, photos just reminds us of the old days makes us sad
This kind of play is a training for beginners. Most of performers are shy at first specially with their new crews. So the best way to rehearse is through play
Theatre has been here for a long time already. No one would ever think that along with the modernization of the civilization, theatre adopted along with it. Our team sends
Sometimes a post does not need paragraphs to entertain readers, because this one did it with just photos. Great work, just skimming through photos is really entertaining. Regards, Darton A.
Yow that looks really fantastic. I wonder what each one there is doing now for sure they will laugh seeing all these photos of them doing rehearsals and performances. Tony
This is one of the most exciting part, the auditions. Really fun to see how they prove that they are fit for the role. Who does not love it tho. 
More than a decade ago, we thank God for cameras, because it preserve maked the memories tangible. I used to watch live performances such as this back when I was
We truly understand about donations. Really thankful to people who shared with kete, it really helped a lot of people. From maintenance to the workers, finance is crucial indeed. Thanks
I think i love her because she is beautiful in every way!


The original is correct, but the automatically generated versions aren't the right colour scheme.  Weird.